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UB 235-35 U


Characteristic Features And Uses

  • Terebec 235-35 U enameled wires are recommended for all types of electrical machines such as electrical motors, hand tools, contactor coils,
    household machines, transformers etc.
  • The enamelled wires fully meet specification requirements of IS 13730-34/IEC 60317-34 for enamelled round copper wires, class 130L.
  • UB 235-35 U is characterised by having an exceptionally wide curing rage, excellent flexibility, better heat shock for class 130L, and highest tan
    delta for class 130 L.
  • Enameled wires coated with this wire enamel are compatible with all Beck impregnating varnishes and resins. It is made sure that any restricted
    substances listed in Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive (2002/95/EC) is not used in the making of UB 235-35 U.


  • UB 235-35 U is generally used on vertical and horizontal machines with felt and die wiping methods as it is characterised as a medium viscosity
    wire enamel.
  • UB 115 is recommended for viscosity reduction & cleaning.


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