We are now Government of India recognised ONE STAR EXPORT HOUSE

We are fully committed to develop and operate a safe , healthy and clean environment to protect vital human resources , plant, machinery and the environment from the hazards and risk through :
  • Complying with applicable environmental, Occupational health & safety legislations and requirement of all interested parties.
  • Continually improving the processes, work practices for prevention of Pollution, ill health and injury, resources conservation and risk minimization through objectives driven targets.
EHS Objectives
  • Ensuring safe work practices towards achieving “Zero Incident and prevention from ill health”.
  • Continual improvement in all areas of working with special emphasis through:
  • Resource optimization through improvement in material efficiency.
  • Energy, water saving by identified improvement projects in Integrated Management Program.
  • Increasing awareness of all stake holders through effective implementation and training on ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007 Standards.